Monday Manna! His Arm is NEVER too Short!
We serve the Great Creator! There is nothing to difficult for Him!! Don't worry if something slips out of your hand it will never slip...
Monday Manna! Be a Doer of the Word not just a Hearer!
We are called to be doers of the Word not Just Hearers! We are to yield to the Word of God daily, so that everyday we can be more like...
Monday Manna! Burn or Build? You Choose!
Conflict is part of our every day life! And we must decide how we will respond to it, will we build bridges or burn them?
Monday Manna! God is for us!
Many things come at us daily! Hard things, tough things, what shall we say to them? If God be for us who can be against us????
Monday Manna! Govern your Emotions BEFORE they Govern you!
Did you know that your emotions lie??? They sure do, so you must learn to govern them before they lead you into trouble!
Monday Manna! The Lord is Mightier then all that Noise!
There are sooooo many voices around us today! They speak and they pull at us but the Lord on high is mightier then them all!
Monday Manna! Prayer is our first language!
The disciples set an example for us in Acts 6:4 they give themselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the word. Prayer was...
Monday Manna!! Time for Some Self Talk! Decide to put your hope in the Lord!
Give decouragement no place! Decide to put your hope in the Lord, trust His character and lend on Him!
Monday Manna! Love the Lord First and with Everything!
Loving the Lord first and with all that we are will set everything in your heart right!
Monday Manna With God All Things Are Possible!
This are so many impossible situations we face, things we can't solve or fix! But we serve the God of the impossible, There is nothing He...