Monday Manna! Healing belongs to the Household of Faith!
The Lord Jesus broke the chains of the enemy! Sin and sickness are broken! Healing belongs to the household of Faith!
Monday Manna!!! He will Finish What He has Started!!!
God Started a work in you, He will not end, He will complete what He has started! He will not give up on you!
Monday Manna! The Word of God is Living and Active!
Hebrews 4:12, the Word of GOD is so powerful and it is living!
Monday Manna! Run with Endurance!
The Race is not given to swift nor the battle to the strong! Our walk with the Lord is all about endurance! Run till the end!!!!
Monday Manna!! Living to Please Him Only!
We as humans spend a lot of time working and building, and often we think that all that work is what pleases the Lord. But the Bible is...
Monday Manna! The Most Hated Word in Christianity
Often we are told by the Lord to WAIT! No one likes to wait, it fight against everything that we are, but God is at work in the wait!
Monday Manna! He Works All Things Together for Our Good!
The Bible teaches us that God works ALL things together for our good and His Glory!
Monday Manna! Let the Lord hold your hand everyday!
You can lead or He can lead, you decide! Let Him take you by the hand and lead you daily!
Monday Manna! Jesus + Nothing = Everything!
Merry Christmas!!! We rejoice today in the KING OF KINGS and the LORD OF LORD! There is none higher!